
My philosophy....homemade is ALWAYS healthier, is ALWAYS cheaper, and is therefore BETTER!

When you make things homemade you will naturally never put in as much sugar or salt as the companies do-you just won't. Plus homemade means no preservatives and you know the common rule-your food should be able to go bad or its not real food!

When you make things homemade you're always saving money! Who wants to pay the manufacturer, shipper, store, etc. each for a box of cookies!?!?!

Once you go homemade-you'll never go back! Fresh food that YOU produced for your family will not only leave you feeling accomplished and proud, it tastes incredible and you'll never be able to eat the packaged stuff without comparing-and homemade will win!

Have fun, experiment, and Enjoy!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fresh Veggies!!

For a few years now I have been an avid canner! I love getting produce for cheap and seeing how I can preserve it for my family.  I get cheap produce in a different few ways:

1. Sales!  Stores like Sunflower Market and Sprouts always have great deals on produce throughout the year.  I'll watch for sales like 8 for $1 grapefruit and then figure our how to can grapefruit!

2.  CSA is Community Supported Agriculture.  It is a program where you can purchase a share of a local farm's produce.  It's a great deal because the produce is local, fresh, and cheap!  With my CSA- through Miller Farms here in Colorado- I get to go to a farmer's market every week and fill up a large basket with whatever I want and it's all fresh picked and local! Score!

3.  One of my favorite websites is Pick Your Own.  This website has everything you could ever want to know about preserving food!  It's amazing!  One time I found a crazy deal on cantaloupe, plugged "cantaloupe" into the pick your own search and ended up making cantaloupe jam and fruit roll-ups!  The pick your own site will give you recipes and directions on how to preserve pretty much anything you can think of. also does something else!  It will give you information to all of the farms in your area (listed by county) that allow you to pick your own produce.  Any "pick your own" farm allows the public to come and harvest your own produce-usually at a smaller cost; plus its really fun and great for kids to be involved and see where their food is coming from!

Check out the pick your own website or your local CSA program-you won't regret it!

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