
My philosophy....homemade is ALWAYS healthier, is ALWAYS cheaper, and is therefore BETTER!

When you make things homemade you will naturally never put in as much sugar or salt as the companies do-you just won't. Plus homemade means no preservatives and you know the common rule-your food should be able to go bad or its not real food!

When you make things homemade you're always saving money! Who wants to pay the manufacturer, shipper, store, etc. each for a box of cookies!?!?!

Once you go homemade-you'll never go back! Fresh food that YOU produced for your family will not only leave you feeling accomplished and proud, it tastes incredible and you'll never be able to eat the packaged stuff without comparing-and homemade will win!

Have fun, experiment, and Enjoy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wheat Crackers

It's 9:30, the kids are finally in bed asleep, and you're favorite show is DVR'd and ready for your enjoyment but....You're Starving!  One of my favorite snacks that is healthy and filling is a classic cheese, cracker, and fruit plate.  Yum!  I love these healthy, simple, robust wheat cracker for such occasion!  There's endless possibilities of toppings and mix-ins to make your crackers satisfy your craving!

1c white flour
1c wheat flour
1t baking powder
1/2t salt
2/3c warm water
1/3c olive oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and lightly grease two large cookie sheets.  Combine the dry ingredients, and then stir in the water, oil and mix until smooth dough forms. 

Divide the dough in half and flatten each half on a cookie sheet.  Use a small rolling pin, a smooth cup, or even your fingers for a rustic look. 

Once dough is spread thin, use a pizza cutter to cut the dough into squares.  The elasticity in the dough will make the crackers shrink slightly and pull away form each other;  so easy!

Brush lightly with an egg wash (1 egg white and 2T water) or spray lightly with olive oil. 

Sprinkle with sea salt of other desired seasonings. 

Bake at 400 degrees for 10-12 min until crackers are golden and crispy.

IDEAS:  Rosemary and sea salt, sesame seeds, Parmesan cheese, chopped sun dried tomatoes

Better? These are delicious and so versatile!  They've got a good crunch and can hold up to dips. *check*
Healthier? No preservatives, no sugar, made to order! *check*
 Cheaper? One batch makes more than one box of Wheat Thins and costs pennies vs avg $4 for an 8oz box!  *check*