
My philosophy....homemade is ALWAYS healthier, is ALWAYS cheaper, and is therefore BETTER!

When you make things homemade you will naturally never put in as much sugar or salt as the companies do-you just won't. Plus homemade means no preservatives and you know the common rule-your food should be able to go bad or its not real food!

When you make things homemade you're always saving money! Who wants to pay the manufacturer, shipper, store, etc. each for a box of cookies!?!?!

Once you go homemade-you'll never go back! Fresh food that YOU produced for your family will not only leave you feeling accomplished and proud, it tastes incredible and you'll never be able to eat the packaged stuff without comparing-and homemade will win!

Have fun, experiment, and Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Baby Rice Cereal

I had 4 amazing children in 5 years so I kind of feel like I didn't have time to really enjoy all the little steps that come.  So with my last I am really trying to soak it in! My little baby, Jaren, is 4 months old and the doctor recommended because of his acid reflux that we start him on solid foods.  I kind of dread this part a. because it means he's not an infant anymore and means no more pure unsmelly breastmilk poop.  I hate poop.  So it's time to make a big batch of baby rice cereal.  I use oatmeal or brown rice and guess what....all I do is stick it in the blender!  I usually do about 2 cups of raw oats or brown rice and blend it on high-or put it in your food processor until it's powdery!  There you go! That's all I do.  It stores great in ziplocs or I usually keep a tuperware container ready in my cupboard.

Mix it with a little applesauce for flavor!
Freeze it in the 2oz little ziploc containers to have ready made that's the perfect consistancy your little one and pop it in the microwave to heat or leave for the babysitter so you can have a date night! 

Be creative and Enjoy!
Better-using what you already have and not having to go to the store to purchase something you've ran out of is always better-plus you can measure what you want and not have it spill out of those dumbly packaged boxes! *check*
Healthier-The stuff in the boxes does have preservatives and making it yourself cuts that out! *check*
Cheaper- 1 box of infant cereal ranges from $2.49 to $3.79 a box for Gerber!  Ouch!  *check*

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