
Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Crack

Looking for a delicious gift for neighbors or friends?  This is my families favorite treat to share!  It's called....Christmas Crack and the name says it all!  Its unbelievably addicting!!  I love this recipe because its something the kids can help do, its easy to mass produce, and its cheap!

1 batch will fill 2 jelly roll pans and makes PLENTY so adjust this recipe to your needs :)

You will need:
3 sleeves of Salted Saltine Crackers
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cup brown sugar
1 bag milk chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees

Line 2 pans with foil and lay out the crackers flat salt side down.  **great job for little ones!   You're creating the bottom layer of your treat so make sure they're lined up close and not overlapping.

In a sauce pan melt together your butter and brown sugar on med-high heat, stirring constantly.  Once it boils set a timer and boil for 5 min and keep stirring.  Then pour over your crackers and spread evenly with spatula.

Bake for 5 min at 400 degrees. 

Take your pans out of the oven and sprinkle chocolate chips over and let sit for 5 min.  See a trend???  After it's sat for 5 min take your spatula and spread out your, now melted, chocolate chips.

Place your pan in the fridge for 30-40 min to cool and then you're ready to break up and put into your bags....if there's any left once you taste it!

Ideas: sprinkle left over crushed up crackers, m&ms, or broken pretzels on top!

Be creative and Enjoy!

There's nothing to compare this *check*
1 batch rough costs:  3  sleeves of crackers $1.50
                                    1 bag chocolate chips $2.25
                                    1 cup butter $.50
                                     1 1/2 cup brown sugar $1.00
Total rough cost $4.25

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