
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Easy French Bread

We can put down a lot of bread!  Ok-truth...I can put down my own fair share of bread-especially this french bread!  This is one of my all time favorite recipes!  Sooooo good and my favorite-so easy!

1 pkg quick acting yeast (or 2 1/2t  if you buy in bulk like I do)
2c warm water
4c sifted flour
1T sugar
2t salt

Dissolve yeast in 1 c water.  Add flour, sugar, and salt together in a large bowl, then stir in the dissolved yeast.  Add just enough of the second cup of water to hold dough together.  Mix until soft and rather sticky.  Cover and set bowl in a warm spot- I like to fill the bottom of my sink with warm water and put the bowl in that to rise.  Let rise until double in size.

When dough is high and spongy, punch down-Get that aggression out!  Divide into 2 parts, form into loafs and put on a greased cookie sheet.  Cover and let rise again.  Brush the top with melted butter and with a sharp knife slash 3 or 4 cuts in the top.  Here's the nice crust secret *put a bowl of ice in the bottom of your oven*.  Bake for 25-35 min at 400 degrees until top is just starting to turn brown.  Rub a cold butter stick on the top of your nice crust and then sprinkle with salt and enjoy!
Nice risen dough

Place your shaped loafs on greased cookie sheet

Don't forget the most important part-the ice!

Mmmmmm butter

The cut slashes will give the bread room to expand as it rises

Perfectly starting to be brown! And my favorite part-melted butter and sprinkled salt on top!


Be creative and Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Make this frequently. And I usually forget to put the ice in the bottom of the oven and it still turns out!
