
Sunday, September 23, 2012

No Vampires Here! Garlic

I love me some Garlic!!!  Not so much the breath after...but the flavor - Delish!  I got a bunch of bunches :) from the farm and wanted to preserve them.  So the thing about garlic is that its a low acid food so you can't can it-it'll grow infectious bacteria and make you sick-not worth it! You can however, dry it and freeze it!  Drying it is easy to do with either a dehydrator or just in your oven on the lowest temperature (140-170 degrees-if your oven won't got that low, just open the door to let a little bit of the heat out as you're drying).  After your garlic cloves are dried you can store them whole in an airtight container or bag or stick it in the blender and grind it up to make homemade garlic powder.

You can freeze it in several ways:  Freeze the whole cloves in the paper or take the paper off and freeze the peeled cloves for quicker use.  You can also crush your garlic into a mason jar, cover with vegetable oil (which won't freeze) and stick the jar in the freezer for minced garlic at your disposal.  You must store garlic in the freezer if it's not dried! Even in the fridge there's a high chance of bacterial growth. 

Be creative and Enjoy!

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