
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kale Chips

So.....its late at're loving you some reality tv.....but the salt craving has hit!  Those chips in the pantry are calling your name!  NEVER FEAR.....Kale chips are here!  They'll conquer that craving and be beneficial at the same time!  We love us some kale chips and they're fast and my favorite-easy!

Kale is a total Super food!!  It is low in calories, high in fiber, high in vitamins, and no fat! 

Kale chips are made from the leaves so pull the big veins out and put the leaves in a bowl.  Drizzle olive oil over the leaves and toss so all leaves are coated-another option is to lay them all out on a pan spray them with the olive oil. 

Lay the leaves out on a cookie sheet-this is the hardest part.  You don't want them to overlap so lay them out flat.

Sprinkle generously with salt.

 Bake at 400 degrees for 10 min.  The kale should be browning on the ends.  If its not all crispy yet let it cool and they'll finish crisping up. 

To preserve for the next couple of days eating keep in a paper bag or for longer storage you can vacuum pack them and then crisp them back up in the oven for 2 or 3 minutes. 

My kids-even my 2 year old- LOVE LOVE these!! 
Be creative and Enjoy!

Better- Well they don't sell these in stores so...*check*
Healthier-These are super healthy!  google kale and be prepared to be blown away! *check*
Cheaper- Kale is cheap-especially if you buy it in season.  *check*


  1. I love these! Great with Parmesan Cheese too!

  2. You are such an inspiration! I'm so motivated now to "stick it to the man" and focus on the homemade. I'm notorious, tho, for over cooking my kale chips (then they are no longer chips, rather crumbling tissue paper). I'll be more careful :).
